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Frequently asked questions

When will the meals be delivered?

Your meal subscription commences the day after you place an order with us. For example, if you place an order on Thursday and select all days of the week, we will deliver meals from Friday through Thursday of the following week. An email containing a summary of your order and the scheduled delivery dates will be sent to you. A minimum of 2 days is required on a particular week for us to process your order.

Do you deliver every day?

Unlike other tiffin services or meal prep companies, our delivery schedule sets us apart. We deliver to our customers every morning between 6 AM and 12 noon on the selected days of the week.

How many types of meals are available?

Users are provided with four daily choices, consisting of two vegetarian and two non-vegetarian dishes. They are required to select at least one dish for lunch and another for dinner on the chosen days.

Where will the meal be delivered during the early morning, and how can I confirm the delivery of the dishes?

We will leave the dishes at the front door of the house or utilize the access code to place them at the designated location within an apartment. Recognizing the tiffin bag is easy as it features our printed logo. We send a confirmation of delivery to your email, ensuring you are aware that it was delivered within the morning window.

What is the price of each meal and will I be charged a delivery fee if my order size is small?

Each tiffin costs approximately $6, and we do not impose a delivery fee, irrespective of the order size. For example, if you opt for tiffin delivery two days a week, there will be no delivery fee irrespective of the order size. Also, we deliver in the morning of the selected days rather than only once a week like other tiffin services.

How does Gogotiffin ensure food safety and hygiene?

At Gogotiffin, we take food safety and hygiene very seriously. We adhere to strict hygiene standards and comply with local health regulations. Additionally, we encourage users to provide feedback on their food experiences to help us continuously monitor and improve our cloud kitchen performance.

What payment methods are accepted on Platform?

You can pay using your credit/debit cards. Your payment information is encrypted and kept safe to ensure a secure transaction experience.

Is Gogotiffin available in all the cities in Massachusetts?

Gogotiffin is continuously expanding its reach to serve more cities and regions in Massachusetts. Currently, we are only serving Essex, Norfolk, Suffolk, and Middlesex counties but soon expand to Worcester, Bristol, and Plymouth. To check if we are available in your city, simply enter your zip code on the website, and you'll instantly find out if we deliver to your area.

How are you able to provide meals for such low prices, deliver every day and charge no delivery fee?

We run on a narrow profit margin and place a strong emphasis on customer convenience. Unlike some tiffin services that deliver only once a week, we are dedicated to preventing our customers from receiving stale food. Our motto revolves around the concept of "Eat Fresh."

When should a person order?

You can place an order at any time, but the delivery won't arrive the next day as we require time for preparation. Your daily orders will start processing the day after you place them. For instance, if you order on Sunday and subscribe for the upcoming week, deliveries will commence from Tuesday onwards.

Can you consume the meals directly?

Expect meals to arrive cooled; you'll need to reheat them before consumption. Use either a microwave or a pan for reheating, and it shouldn't take more than 3 minutes.

How do you define meals and is rice included with the meals?

We don't include rice. Our definition of a meal focuses on substantial quantities of individual curries.

I am unable to book your tiffin service? Why so?

While we're actively growing our team, our current capacity limits the number of individuals we can serve. Presently, we operate on a first-come, first-served basis.

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